Gullo’s Hosting保加利亚NAT VPS圣诞节促销:1C/200M/20GB HDD/2T流量 年付1.89美元
Gullo’s Hosting应该有很多人都听说过,就是2$/年 NAT VPS(共享IP的VPS)的那家(。现在他们家除了NAT VPS业务以外,还有独立IP的OpenVZ VPS、KVM VPS及网站托管服务。现在圣诞节优惠:
200MB Ram
2000GB BW @ 1Gbps
1 NAT IPv4 w/ 20
/80 IPv6
OpenVZ 7/SolusVM Control Panel
NO Support, Refunds, or Abuse
The Promotion ends after 360 Days!
$1.89 – (360 Days in CA)
4GB Disk Space
250GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbit Port
1 NAT IPv4 Address w/ 20 Ports (HTTPS Forwarding!)
/80 block IPv6 Address
NO Support, Refunds, or Abuse
Choose from 3 locations! CA, NY, DAL
$2/year One-Time – Order Now! With code: 2024BF-2D-384KVMNAT (5 Available)
$3/year One-Time – Order Now! With code: 2024BF-3D-384KVMNAT (5 Available)
$4/year One-Time – Order Now! With code: 2024BF-4D-384KVMNAT (5 Available)
$5/year One-Time – Order Now! With code: 2024BF-5D-384KVMNAT (5 Available)
$12/year recurring – Order Now! With code: LET20OFF
—- Sitewide Specials! —-
20% off all NAT 128MB and 256MB Servers with code: LET20OFF
Choose from over 12 locations! AU, BG, CA, CHI, DE, FIN, FL, FR, NY, NL, PL, SGP