
On Friday 24th June 2011 our Providers have informed us of a 60% upcoming price increase that is taking effect from the 28th June 2011, this was an extremely short notice for us and completely unexpected – as small of a short notice as it was we had to take action immediately in order to be able to continue providing service to our clients, i have had meetings with every single HostRail Staff Member as we needed to take a decision and we have taken our decision which is provided below.

Due to the current economic crisis that is affecting all companies in the planet we are unable to deal with this 60% price increase using our currently approved budget for 2011 and we are unable to approve a further budget for 2011 at the current stage, this means that we will be forced to pass on this 60% price increase to all clients as of tomorrow evening. Tomorrow evening we will be sending Invoices to every single customer with the 60% price increase, unfortunately this price increase will have to be paid by Tuesday morning so we can cover the 60% price increase our providers are asking.

We have tried all possible alternatives and solutions however the only solution is to pass this price increase in full to our customers, this is not something i want to do, this is not something i like to do, this is something that i have fought for 2 days now to try to avoid at all costs however its not on my hands anymore so i am unable to do something more.

大意是说:    6月24号我们收到服务器提供商的消息,说从28号开始价格上涨60%。这个消息非常突然,我们对此也毫不知情。为了继续为客户提供服务,我们必须尽快拟定对策。我与所有hosttrail的成员开了会。对策如下:





