网址对一个网站来说是相当重要的,大部分在选定之后就不会任意改变,而网域名称影响的层面相当广,架站前务必要多花些时间在上面。先前曾经介绍过网址怎么切、怎么组合最特别?让Domainr 帮你找出来,就是一...阅读全文

viviti.com是一家提供免费绑定域名的网站建设专业网站。在一年多以前,站长申请的 至今还在啊!当时绑定域名还是需要money的,现在居然能免费绑定域名了!真的很不错!

一 、Godaddy新年$1.49域名友情提示1.此次godaddy的特价域名有默认添加的WebSite Tonight Economy,之后会自动续费,请大家注意删除2.虽然在支付的信用卡选项中出现了China Union Pay的字...阅读全文


如果你关注过本站,也许会看到以前曾经站长说的今天收到一联盟广告费158.54元,分享下!,和最近近况:联盟再次收钱+网站制作但是就在10天来逐渐发现,这家联盟是个骗子联盟。请大家擦亮眼睛了!中网传媒 ,现在是个大骗子,大家要提防了!前期都给你准时支付,让你产生信任感,后期等你扩大规模,等做到一笔可观收入的时候,它就会以 数据丢失啊,被网警调查啊等等理由把你账号锁定。请大家注意看下面详细的经历。事件起因是:这个联盟在12月15号发表一则通知说:工信部来访,说有网警找上门来了。(今天在看他网站上这条新闻已经被删除了 ,可以证明这是一个很好的拒绝支付的阴谋!)接着就是我的账号被锁定了,在16号付款周期到之时,我的账户已经有1000多元钱了,这是在一周内赚到的,说到赚,有必要说下我的一个站, 主要是发放CL邀请码的,这个流量自然巨大了,曾经本博写过DH逐渐承受了10W PV的抗击,就是说的是这个站,因为广告种类很多,有充气娃娃,有QQ弹窗展示等,不需要作弊,很容易钱就来了。那几天,看到账号上赚200多元钱,心里确实很爽。当账号被锁定后,我第一时间找到了一个客服(几个客服不知道是不是一个人),准确的说这个人应该是老大,账号被封以前都加过他。我还加了几个客服的QQ。后来都把我删除了,我是你把我删了,我再加。我就从16号以来把我的聊天记录来公布下,maybe 大家看了都会知道什么情况了!日期:2010-12-1凭海临风 21:10:48老大 我的账号怎么 被封了?...阅读全文

快速方便查询ripn所有域名和whois信息明天12.27号就是RU收费的日子,特把本人现在所有的RU米拿出来 公布下,留着纪念。

今晚是圣诞节,首先祝大家圣诞快乐前文见努力追回被雅虎域名扣走的69.9刀 ,我在试图联系到两个域名注册者,还好账单里面还能找到注册的两个域名 和  ,用 查询,找到了他们的邮箱,再通过Google 搜索邮箱,找到了他们的QQ号。就给他们两个分别留言。很折腾啊!另外在2010。11.23 给paypal  021-28913888 打电话。对方问明确后回复,这事他们也搞不了,对我投诉的说paypal 未经过授权扣除掉信用卡的钱,客服表示paypal 是在余额不足的情况下才扣信用卡的!没办法,挂完电话。我心不甘!我用我的ymail 邮箱给Yahoo 发的邮件,看到Yahoo 给的回信。Hello Liuxuntao,Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Small Business Support.We understand you are seeking assistance with Yahoo! Small BusinessBilling. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and will be happy toassist you with the issue you are facing.Please note that for the security of your account, we do not supportYahoo! Small Business Billing via email. In order to initiate phonecontact with us, please visit the following URL: logging in with the Yahoo! ID and password that is associated withyour Yahoo! Small Business plan, you will have access to our contactphone number as well as the option to schedule a call back.You can also find useful information about our Small Business Servicesby visiting our Help Pages at: you prefer to call us instead, please dial (800) 318-0870.Please do not hesitate to reply if you need further assistance.Regards,YeraYahoo! Small Business SupportYou can contact Yahoo! Small Business services by visiting: online assistance with all Yahoo! Small Business services,  pleasevisit: check the status of any Yahoo! Small Business issues, please visit: tips, news, and advice about Yahoo! Small Business, follow us onTwitter and Facebook: note: Twitter and Facebook are not official support channels. Toget support for your Yahoo! Small Business service, please log into youraccount by visiting:继续找Yahoo投诉。这次我这样写的:I'm sorry, in the January 4, 2010 and January 5, I registered two domainnames in Yahoo. which is and*1)  I no longer use the domain name, abandoned, so do not want torenew.*2) I forget to turn off the auto-renew option.*3) I want to get back my money.The paypal Settlement Agreement No.: B-1UE13330FL727572U* Yahoo! ID  :[email protected]* Domain Name:   City: linyi   State: shandong   Zip: 276000   Country: CN* Alternate Email Address:[email protected]The paypal Settlement Agreement No.: B-29E15019CN087531G* Yahoo! ID  :[email protected]* Domain Name:   City: jianyang   State: fujian   Zip: 354200   Country: CN* Alternate Email Address:[email protected]The paypal transaction number  is B-29E15019CN087531G andB-1UE13330FL727572U. I did not cancel the cycle because the paidservice, is now renewals. And I was in the January 4, 2010 and Jan. 5 topay, in accordance with the rules, even if I did not cancel the top loopinthepaypal payment, Yahoo can not be in the January 3, 2011 and January 4,2011Cycle before deducting money.Yahoo did not do so in line with rules.  I hope Yahoo will refund mymoneythe two, a total of $ 69.9. Thank you!着急不安中, 这个域名注册者终于联系上了,一问确实是他,说明了情况,这位仁兄很友好!感谢这位兄弟近一年的聊天记录还保存着... 否则密码都找不到了!我用他给的密码登陆到Yahoo 域名后台一看,2010.12.20 号第二年的域名续费上了!NND!今天在办公室,偷偷拿出手机登陆gmail 一看,Yahoo 终于回信了:Hello,Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Small Business Support.I appreciate you sending in the information we needed to assist youfurther with your request to close and be refunded for the charges onyour Yahoo! domain services orders.Please accept this email as confirmation that I have closed your domainorders: and along with refunding the 2010 servicecharges. Please allow 2 to 3 business days before viewing these 2credits in the amount of $34.95 on your credit card balance.To view your billing history, please visit: in to your account. Once you've signed in, you will be able to viewall billing details regarding this Yahoo! account.Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Small Business Support. If youneed further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.Regards,WenDeeYahoo! Small Business SupportYou can contact Yahoo! Small Business services by visiting: online assistance with all Yahoo! Small Business services,  pleasevisit: check the status of any Yahoo! Small Business issues, please visit: tips, news, and advice about Yahoo! Small Business, follow us onTwitter:大意就是说,已经取消了两个域名续费,退款会在2-3 个工作日完成!我登陆 这个域名后台时 ,发现域名已经被取消了!就等70刀被退还了这事给我的教训还是蛮大的哈,做事要细心,出了问题要找根源...12.26号 更新:一早起来习惯打开邮箱,paypal发来了两封信您好xxx阅读全文