见这篇文章惨痛的教训,一念之差损失150美元!原文地址http://www.vpsite.net/IT-View/painful-lessons-ages-lost-150.html后来知道是131美元,这是对手电脑代理的最高价格,因为我是预定的域名,转向竞拍后,godaddy自动的给bid 起始价10美元。所以最后我bid 后需要支付121美元,前提是我仍然要花预定的域名钱,20.99*0.7=14.7美元。因为是27号晚bid成功的域名,要在29号9点(美国时间),我当然不想出这笔钱了。所以就在29号下午5点前,把绑定的信用卡和paypal 账号全都取消。虽然我知道后果,14.7美元的域名预订费是没有了。总比要掏121美元好吧。哎,这都是血的教训啊!起前我给godaddy写信如下:Dear sirI'm really sorry, last night I accidentally bid for Item Number53983326, H3CWH.com, bid a success. Then I feel regret because it willcost $ 131, and the domain name I do not particularly want to registerthe hand, so I can not afford the high prices.I was too impulsive, and I pray for your forgiveness, I really was notintentional. Can you help me to cancel? I think godaddy is the world'sgreat Internet company, I do not want to cancel membership. I beg you.Thank you.后来godaddy发来邮件说,Dear liu tao,This notice is to inform you that the items listed below have been deleted from your 32159979 account:Go Daddy Auctions Backorder Domain Purchase: New Monitor AccountIf you feel this action has occurred in error or you need further assistance, our support staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:      • Online Support      • Email: [email protected]      • Phone: (480) 505-8877      • Website: GoDaddy.com, Inc.我也不明白是什么意思...知道的童鞋请留言告知下。什么情况?阅读全文