我进入FTP,发现并没有异常发生,我把install.php删除了,发现问题并没有得到解决!我狂汗啊!网上搜资料,找到 “安装好的WordPress偶尔会跳到安装页”,这个也没说出个所以然来。我忽然想起我上次从godaddy外转移到ciffu blog1 主机时,并没有重新安装WordPress,新建数据库bzlb,把原有备份的数据库导入到bzlb这个数据库,再修改wp-config.php里面数据库连接信息就行了!但这种方法绝对是没问题的啊!因为WordPress不像discuz一样安装后有个lock锁文件,只要更改wp-config.php里面相应数据库连接信息就可以了。莫非真的碰到了外星人,于是我开始了笨办法。在mysql数据库那里新建一个数据库bzlba,将原来wp-config.php里面的数据库连接信息改成对应的数据库bzlba,再重新安装WordPress(网站文件还是不变的),将bzlb的数据库备份后导进入bzlba。我心里想这样应该会好吧!
我灵机一动,修复下数据库表试试,于是乎,我就把bzlb的数据库表先进行了优化,就发现“Table ‘wp_options’ is marked as crashed and should…”
在网上搜了下,发现WordPress 官方有同样问题 http://wordpress.org/support/topic/290557,但是回答的仍然很含糊!
继续搜,我就不行没有满意的答案,终于,我找到了!“How To Quickie: Repair MySQL Tables” ,就引用过来
After a long, hard day of fetching and editing tables, MySQL can become overburdened and create overhead. This can be almost directly compared to how defragmentation occurs on a hard drive. For example, something needs to be replaced in one location but there is not enough space so part of it goes here and part goes there; discontinuous. Over time, overhead for very active tables in your database can reach high levels and the result will be something like what happened to me in March. You can ensure a healthy database by following this quick fix every once in a while.
1) Locate and login to your phpMyAdmin client.
2) Select the database and click on the name of the database (circled).

3) You should see all of the tables for your database.

4) Select the checkboxes for each table that has an overhead value.

This was only for example. Tables with an overhead value under a kilobyte aren’t really anything to worry about.
5) Go to the drop-down menu with selected on the bottom and select repair.
6) If everything works out, you will see the something like the image below.

7) Clicking on the database name again should show the screenshot below, with no overhead for any of the tables. That’s it!

我眼睛一亮,就把WordPress表点击“全选”—选中项下面的 修复,进行修复了!(其实只需要修复 出问题的表就可以)。
blogger_bzlb.wp_options | repair | status | OK |
然后打开www.vpsite.net 一看,谢天谢地,好了,但是文章页多了好几个 “hello world” ,
ciffu免费资源群里德Vanish说是稀少部分,网上基本搜不出来的,也就我遇到了 。那我就把这个方法分享出来,我盼望有一天有一个遇到同样问题的哥们搜索进来!能帮助他一把,我心安矣!