确实是悲剧了!Blogger 支持包括 FTP 在内的很多种发布方式,但是1月13号 Google 在 Blog 中提到目前仅有0.5%的活跃 Blog 再使用 FTP 发布功能,但是工程师们在这项功能上花费的精力却远不止这么少。另外 FTP 发布的所需的一个基础架构即将消失,这意味着整个 FTP 发布功能的代码全部需要重写。

于是 Google 决定从今年3月26日起放弃对 FTP 发布的支持,将这部分开发资源转移到新功能的开发上。为了使原先的 FTP 发布用户可以平滑过渡,Google 还专门开放了一个新的 blog 来帮助大家转移。官方原文如下:

Last May, we discussed a number of challenges facing Blogger users who relied on FTP to publish their blogs. FTP remains a significant drain on our ability to improve Blogger: only .5% of active blogs are published via FTP — yet the percentage of our engineering resources devoted to supporting FTP vastly exceeds that. On top of this, critical infrastructure that our FTP support relies on at Google will soon become unavailable, which would require that we completely rewrite the code that handles our FTP processing.

Three years ago we launched Custom Domains to give users the simplicity of Blogger, the scalability of Google hosting, and the flexibility of hosting your blog at your own URL. Last year’s post discussed the advantages of custom domains over FTP and addressed a number of reasons users have continued to use FTP publishing. (If you’re interested in reading more about Custom Domains, our Help Center has a good overview of how to use them on your blog.) In evaluating the investment needed to continue supporting FTP, we have decided that we could not justify diverting further engineering resources away from building new features for all users.

For that reason, we are announcing today that we will no longer support FTP publishing in Blogger after March 26, 2010. We realize that this will not necessarily be welcome news for some users, and we are committed to making the transition as seamless as possible. To that end:

* We are building a migration tool that will walk users through a migration from their current URL to a Blogger-managed URL (either a Custom Domain or a Blogspot URL) that will be available to all users the week of February 22. This tool will handle redirecting traffic from the old URL to the new URL, and will handle the vast majority of situations.
* We will be providing a dedicated blog and help documentation to provide as much information as possible to help guide users through the migration off of FTP.
* Blogger team members will also be available to answer questions on the forum, comments on the blog, and in a few scheduled conference calls once the tool is released.

We have a number of big releases planned in 2010. While we recognize that this decision will frustrate some users, we look forward to showing you the many great things on the way. Thanks for using Blogger.

原址: http://buzz.blogger.com/2010/01/important-note-to-ftp-users.html  (墙外可见)

基本意思大概就是1、FTP 发布占用了很多资源,成为改进Blogger 性能的瓶颈;2、更重要的是Google 即将停止对Blogger FTP 发布的基础支持;3、现在已经有了自定义域名的功能了;

4、因此在2010年3月26日之后Blogger 将停止对FTP 发布的支持

5、(令人欣慰的是)在扔下FTP 发布这个“包袱”后2010年Blogger 将发布一系列重大更新。

Blogger,最为一项站长认为最好的免费的最好的blog服务,由于总所周知的原因,数次被qiang,我不得不天天找GHS可用IP,以图来进行访问。写博客时倒是可以通过FTP发布方式进行!在这里有必要说说 blogger 的FTP发布是怎么回事!


如果你用过ftp上传文件就能懂这个东西。在blogger的后台有一个选项,你只要填入你的ftp空间用户名和密码还有你希望上传你的blogger到哪个文件夹,并且将域名绑定到这个空间。你就可以在每次发布日志的时候将对应的文件写到你得这个空间的对应目录了,同时在blogger.com那里也会为你保存你的日志。但是值得注意的事,这个时候其实决定你的访问速度的是你的那个空间。因为你的国际域名绑定到了那里,你的文件也上传到了那里。blogger.com的后台扮演了一个管理和维护的角色,我想这就是blogger.com的高明之处吧。因为Movable Type和Wordpress等独立blog程序的自由度对blogger.com产生了很大的影响。blogger.com的ftp发布满足了很多人想要使用自己域名和服务器来自己掌握blog的要求,同时blogger.com的访问量会保持不变。这是一个两全其美的办法,有人喜欢Movable Type,有人喜欢wordpress,当然也有人对blogger.com的ftp功能爱不释手。

(5)Blogger很好的整合了Google的产品,你可以利用GmailGoogle Doc发布文章,或者Picasa直接发布图片到Blog

3 对 “杯具了!Blogger 将于2010年3月26日关闭FTP 发布功能”的想法;

